New Name, Same Great Taste
Never fear, you have not arrived at this site in error. While "Punk Software" no longer exists you might find comfort in knowing that it has just gone through a name change. Punk Labs is the start of a new direction. We decided to re-brand so that our name doesn't exclude non-software projects. PolyVector and I want to break into web projects along side our available Windows software. The name isn't the only change, I'll take you through a quick run down.
You might have noticed we are no longer offering support. This was a tough decision. While the forums were a great reference for all things RocketDock no one (or at least very little of our users) used them to their advantage. Punk Labs (formerly Punk Software) is run only by PolyVector and myself, and we have to split our time between support and development. While we understand how important support is for projects we feel our time is better spent fixing bugs and adding new features to RocketDock. The forums were supposed to create a community our users could participate in to help one another, but it didn't turn out that way.
Our goal is to maximize our development time in order to bust out projects our users will enjoy. We hope everyone loves the new site.